说到买车,你有几个选择. The first is to save up until you can buy the car you want out of pocket. The problem with that is that it might take you years to save enough for the vehicle you want.

The second option is to get an auto loan after you've found the car you want to buy. 但如果结果超出了你的预算怎么办? And how do you know if the dealer is offering you the best interest rates, terms, and conditions?

The third option could be your best bet, which is to get auto loan pre-approval. That way, you know exactly how much you have to spend before you get to the lot. You won't have your dreams dashed and you'll be ready for any situation.


Getting pre-approved for your auto loan means you've already done the hard work before you get to the fun part of choosing a car. That way, you're less likely to choose a vehicle you can't afford and more likely to get a good deal.


When it comes to car ownership, the purchase price is only the beginning. 考虑这些涉及的其他成本:

  • 还款额加利息

  • 税金和费用,可能达到贷款的10%

  • 汽车的运行费用,包括汽油、维护和保险

Getting pre-approved and working out a budget before you get to the lot is the best way to make sure you'll be able to afford the total cost of your car, 不仅仅是橱窗上的价格.


如果你获得了汽车贷款的预先批准, you'll be considered a cash buyer when you arrive at the lot and the dealer will sit up and take notice. 

This means you won't be haggling with the dealer about the variables of monthly payments. And you won't run the risk of being charged extra for things you don't need, 这样经销商就能花光你每个月的预算.

All of your energy on the day will be focused on the purchase price only because you'll know your limits.


Shopping around with different credit unions and banks is the best way to make sure you get a good deal. Interest rates between lenders may vary significantly and can be as much as 20%. A high interest rate will quickly add up over the life of your loan. 

If you show up at the car dealership without auto loan pre-approval, you won't have all the facts at hand when the dealer offers you an interest rate. 他们可能会在你不知情的情况下提高利率. 

另一方面, 如果你事先考虑了你的利率, you'll know whether the dealership's rates are competitive and whether you can trust them to sell you a great car.


当你的汽车贷款被预先批准时, it's important to note that your credit score will go down a little — at least until you've begun paying the loan back on time. This is because auto loan pre-approval requires a "hard" credit pull of your financial history.

If you're unsure about your financial history and how it may affect your auto loan, read this 信用评分指南


获得汽车贷款的预先批准很简单. Once you've worked out your monthly budget and are sure you're ready to buy a car, 遵循以下步骤:

  1. 货比三家 高利率.

  2. 选择你的信用合作社、网赌最好最大平台或其他贷方.

  3. 在线申请,给我们打电话,或到您附近的分店参观.

  4. Agree to the loan amount, rates, and any other terms and conditions.

  5. Get a check from your lender and take it to the dealer to buy your car!


If you know you need a new car or vehicle but still aren't sure about the best way to pay for it, 花时间去了解更多是值得的. 



