“That's the value of Arbor Financial; they bring you back to how banking should be, simple and relational. 亚博金融的团队真正关心您和您的成功,以实现真正的双赢.”——阿尔·海明格
The Hotel Saugatuck
Oscoda/Saugatuck, 密歇根

On the Road to Becoming an Entrepreneur

After years of working for someone else, and often needing to travel away from his family, 阿尔和他的妻子在一位好朋友的鼓励下停止了公司的驱动,创造了他们自己的东西. 起初, they didn’t know exactly what kind of business they wanted; however, they knew whatever it was needed to be special and unique. After searching and brainstorming, they stumbled upon a stunning bed and breakfast in Oscoda, 密歇根, off the picturesque and crystal-clear waters of Lake Huron. They knew they wanted to make it home and began searching for the right people to make it happen; that's when they found a broker specializing in Bed and Breakfast. 正是他引导Al和他的妻子加入了Arbor Financial的商业团队.

阿伯金融公司非常适合他们,这让阿尔想起了和父亲一起长大的简单时光, who owned his own farm. “从小到大,我父亲与当地网赌最好最大平台关系很好,做过一些简单的交易,对双方都有帮助. That's the value of Arbor Financial; they bring you back to how banking should be, simple and relational. Arbor financial的团队真正关心您和您的成功,为每个人创造真正的双赢.”


After 休伦人房子 started growing, Al was ready for a new challenge and adventure; leading him to an original 1800s mill from 密歇根's bustling lumbering era. 他和他的兄弟想把这段历史,把它变成一个豪华的床和早餐完美的客人放松和展示索格塔克. 他们开始翻新这个空间,创造出完全独特的东西. 他们制定了与休伦之家类似的商业计划,并为成功而兴奋不已. “When we took on 休伦人房子, it was already a Bed and Breakfast, 所以我们要学习, 观察, 和听. 这有助于创造一个伟大的商业模式,并帮助我们与客人建立联系. 当我们从零开始,使用商业模式,并看到结果时,我感到非常自豪. 这表明它是有效的,而且这个模型确实是独一无二的.”

Arbor Financial Helps Create a Path Forward

“Arbor一直很灵活,创造了一个双赢的局面,既适合我的收入结构,也适合我的十大最好的网赌平台需求." After this past year, 阿尔比以往任何时候都更加感谢他与Arbor Financial团队的关系. "The pandemic was a scary and unknown time. 我认为没有一个企业主没有想过至少一次失去一切, 但朱迪思(商业网赌最好最大平台十大最好的网赌平台副总裁)和商业贷款团队不断鼓励并帮助我解决所有问题. Arbor Financial一直表现出他们真正关心你和你的成功. They truly will be here for you no matter what," said Al. With the Commercial 贷款 team's help, 阿尔可以继续发展他的生意,并计划在休伦大厦增加四间新卧室. “It is exciting to be able to grow the business after such a hard time; it means a lot that Arbor helped me and continues to help and grow our relationship.”


阿尔将是第一个告诉你经营自己的企业并不容易的人, but he has a lot of advice to make it less daunting. The most important in his opinion? 试着不要去想失败,而是去想能推动你前进的解决方案. 当你这样做的时候, it forces you to think positively, and positivity is one of the biggest keys to success. 他还建议找一位可以帮助你制定计划、准备和回答问题的导师. For Al, Arbor Financial is one of these mentors. “商业贷款团队是一个很好的资源,因为他们都非常熟练, 知识渊博的, 和善良的. 他们很擅长给建议,而且会花时间了解你,所以这是私人建议.” When Al seeks a mentor, it’s all about observing 和听ing. “If you ask someone for help, make sure to listen and 观察. At the end of the day, it’s 100% your choice, but it’s important to always make sure those choices are informed.”

如果你一直想自己创业,或者想扩大现有的十大最好的网赌平台, reach out to our commercial team for more information. Each commercial team member is excited to connect and help you.

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